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Industrial Heavy-DutyFibreglass Stepladders(6900 Series)CSA grade 1A ,ANSI type 1A , 300-lb. load rating• Extra strong non-conductive "C" channelside rails in high visibility orange• Super tough copolymer utilitytop for strength and durability• Wide 3" slip-resistant serratedaluminum steps for safe climbing• Inside spreader arms completewith "wrap-around" sleeves that strengthenspreader-to-rail connection and protectspreader arms during storage/loading/transit• Each step is double braced with zinc coated steeldiagonal braces providing incrediblestrength and stiffness• Full rear "L" horizontal struts reinforcedwith zinc coated steel diagonal bracesoffer maximum rigidity• Heavy-duty aluminum "wrap-around"sleeves at base of rails for maximum protection

Fibreglass Stepladders - Featherlite Mfg No.6900

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