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HWC Acid Corrosive Safety CabinetsFEATURES:All welded double wall 18 gauge construction with 1-1/2” insulating air space2” leakproof sill to contain leaksLockable flush mounted handle (gripper pad) with 2 keysDoors have 3 point locking system and radius edgesDoors are double walled, 14 gauge outside & 18 gauge inside4” heavy duty welded hinges with brass pinsTwin 2” flame arrester ventsAdjustable leveling feetPowder coated blue finishSafety signage in large white lettersGalvanized steel shelves adjust on 2-1/2” centersPolyethylene tray liner for shelves & sillGrounding connectorFM ApprovedAVAILABLE IN:Manual close doors (open to full 180°)Self-close door(s) shut, index and latch automatically as fusible link(s) melt under fire conditions at 165°

Herbert Williams Acid Corrosive Safety Cabinets

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